A Food Drive For The Food Bank

Vancouver Opera will once again be collecting non-perishable food items on behalf of the Greater Vancouver Food Bank.
We will have Food Bank boxes placed throughout the Queen Elizabeth Theatre during our run of Lucia di Lammermoor, so we invite you to make a donation if you can.
We welcome all food donations from EVERYONE during our performance hours down at the QET:
Saturday, December 4
Tuesday, December 7
Thursday, December 9
Saturday, December 11
The Food Bank receives 75% of its yearly donations during the holiday season. It is through the support of individuals that they are able to continue to provide food to those who are struggling to make ends meet. The Food Bank continue to serve up to 25,000 recipients each week, 40% (10,000) of whom are children. The Food Bank receive no government funding.
If you are unable to attend Lucia di Lammermoor but would like to make a contribution, please feel free to drop by the theatre too! Vancouver Opera staff will be one hand to receive your donation from 630pm to 10pm each night.
All efforts are much appreciated during this holiday season!
For questions, please email: lchan@vancouveropera.ca
~ Ling Chan, Social Media Manager