Farewell, db Burger!
Tuesday evening a friend and I made a beeline to db Bistro Moderne for a final visit; the bistro and sister restaurant Lumière are closing March 13. I just had to have the famous – some would say infamous – original db Burger. When would the chance come again?
For those who don’t know, this is an amazing meal: a lump of foie gras and a
chunk of truffle-marinated braised short rib packed inside a globe of ground prime sirloin - on a bun, with a side of perfect fries.It’s not priced like any burger at a fast food joint, and it prompted me to double up on the anti-gout pills, but definitely a “burger and fries” meal to be consumed with relish at least once. As if the db Burger itself were not enough reason to make the trip to the west side, I wanted to tip my hat to Manjy and David Sidoo, partners in the restaurant with Daniel Boulud.
Manjy and David are great friends of Vancouver Opera and have given their support in so many ways – including an annual event at Lumière and db Bistro featuring wondrous food, music, creative cocktails, and conviviality, all in support of Vancouver Opera’s education programs.Manjy, as a member of the opera company’s board of directors is involved in other projects as well, but their signature event at Lumière and db Bistro Moderne was a much-anticipated, much-appreciated and very enjoyable way to help bring opera to students across the province. I salute them and thank them.- James W. Wright, VO's General Director
For those who don’t know, this is an amazing meal: a lump of foie gras and a