It's chaos over here!
We're in the throes of moving here at VO! It's a sea of boxes, random office furniture, boxes of recycling and the occasional accusation of hoarder-dom.
Here is a bin filled with bins.
There's a certain irony, no?
Boxes and boxes and boxes. VO has been around for 51 years... and it shows. We have a lot of memorabilia to sort through and move.
As well as office furniture, plants, desks....
More boxes! We had to eat all those Girl Guide cookies before we could use the box for moving. It was a true sacrifice.
The computer graveyard, complete with 3.5" floppy drives and tape backups.
But it's all worth it, because here are our shiny new digs....

Lots of natural light, hardwood floors, and two kitchens!
We'll have lots of space for staff to work in, too.
And a nice big rehearsal space in the same building. We'll also have soundproofed coaching rooms, a swank boardroom, spaces for impromptu meetings and places to just hang out and listen to the Orchestra, Chorus and principles practice.
Here's the new colour scheme....
.... and here's our view.
Our Ticket Centre will also be in the same building. Hope to see you at the new Opera Centre this fall!

There's a certain irony, no?

But it's all worth it, because here are our shiny new digs....

Our Ticket Centre will also be in the same building. Hope to see you at the new Opera Centre this fall!