The Volunteer Committee of Amatori dell'Opera

Carmen Murphy
Development Manager, Individual Giving
Vancouver Opera
My primary role at Vancouver Opera is fundraising and stewardship of our major donors. Part of what I also do is participate in a committee that attracts and stewards planned gifts to Vancouver Opera: the Amatori dell'Opera committee.

Amatori dell’Opera means “lovers of opera”. To Vancouver Opera, this means that the person has professed to “love opera” and has made plans to leave a gift to us. There are more than 75 Amatori members today. 

The committee of Amatori dell’Opera is made up of volunteers, all of whom are Amatori members themselves. These committee members meet at least quarterly to plan marketing opportunities, seminars, provide ideas for house program ads and updates on cultivation and stewardship activities.

Recently, I had the distinct pleasure of making a presentation on the value of our Amatori dell’Opera committee volunteers.

The Canadian Association of Gift Planners invited me to speak at a panel presentation yesterday at their monthly breakfast meeting at the Terminal City Club in Vancouver. The invitation sent to the membership of the CAGP was
Bequests, advice, teas and beyond: the magic of volunteers in the Planned Giving world. Learn from a panel of planned giving experts representing 3 non-profit organizations about how volunteers have helped to make their meaningful contribution that benefits both the cause and you personally.
My co-presenters were Joanne McLellan, Director, Gift Planning, Lion’s Gate Hospital Foundation and Heather Wardle, Development Director, Seva Canada.
Before I made the presentation, I asked members of the Amatori committee to tell me why they wanted to be a part of this volunteer group. Their responses were almost unanimous: to make a personal commitment to making sure Vancouver Opera is well supported, to ensure that their legacy will sustain their love of opera, to make a valuable contribution to planning the future of Vancouver Opera, to promote what they believe to be vital and important.

I believe in the value of volunteers, and the dedication of the Amatori dell’Opera is one great example of the power and strength of volunteers in our company.

- Carmen Murphy
Development Manager, Individual Giving
Vancouver Opera

To find out more about Amatori dell'Opera, email us!